Making significant contributions in several fields as part of its social responsibility projects, Soyak publishes books every year under "Soyak Publications" to inform the public, enrich the cultural heritage of Turkey and expand readers' horizon.
Some of these publications are authored by Turkish writers while others are translated into Turkish.
Şirketler İçin Yeşil Karne
Author: Patricia Pulliam Phillips
Jack J. Phillips
Publication Date: August 2011
Translated from "Green Scorecard" written by experts Patti and Jack Phillips, "Yeşil Karne" is a valuable reference book for studies on environmental protection and creation of a sustainable future. The book also gives important tips to environmentally-conscious companies to correctly analyze the return of their green investments. Patti Philips and Jack Philips, CEO and President of the ROI Institute respectively, formulate their patented "return on investment" methodology, sharing years of experience. The book helps companies to easily measure the financial added value of the sustainability principle and return of their investment in the environment using a scientific calculation system.
Kentlerin Dönüşümü
Author: David THORNS
Publication Date: December 2004, 1st Edition
September 2010, 2nd Edition
Author of "Transformation of Cities", David Thorns gave sociology lectures in Nottingham, Exeter and Auckland Universities and currently is professor of sociology at New Zealand Canterbury University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology. His research areas include issues such as restructuring and change in capitalist societies, meanings of "house" and "home" and globalization. Professor Thorns has published ten books about housing, tourism, methodology and effect of cities and regions on economy.
Soyak Holding published the first edition of the book in 2004. The second edition of "Kentlerin Dönüşümü" was published in September 2010, and free books were delivered to the architecture students of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (MSGSU), who study the book as part of their curriculum.
Tarihin Aynasında İstanbul Hayatı
Author: Alpay Kabacalı
Publication Date: 2007
This valuable book published with the support of Soyak Publications provides extensive information about the old Istanbul, accompanied by rich visual content and fine details on places, daily life, society's profile, dressing styles, life at the Court and feasts and festivals, offering a pleasant journey in Istanbul's history. Compiled by researcher-writer Alpay Kabacalı from information provided by witnesses of the city's history, journalists, history writers and researchers, this book reveals the story of old Istanbul with all its colors in a smooth style.
Gelenekten Geleceğe Anadolu'da Yaşama Kültürü
Author: Metin Sözen
Publication Date: February 2006
The outcome of intense work, this book covers, with rich visuals and details, many works and monuments around Turkey which have survived to-date, resisting the forces of nature, history and culture. "Gelenekten Geleceğe Anadolu'da Yaşama Kültürü" is an important reference book about the different cultures flourishing in Anatolia from antiquity to-date. Prof. Metin Sözen summarizes the book with the following comment: "The purpose of this visually enriched book, which contains examples from the somewhat preserved environments of our living culture, is to increase interest in ongoing studies undertaken on a house-street-city-basin-region scale and bring continuity to the relations between nature, humanity and culture, in order to ensure the survival of our natural, historical and cultural heritage."
Etik Zeka
Author: Doug Lennick – Fred Kiel, Ph. D.
Publication Date: 2005
"Etik Zeka" is a book compiled from the opinions and recommendations of 78 globally renowned executives on leadership. "Moral Intelligence", written by Doug Lennick and Dr. Fried Kiel, was translated and published by Soyak Publications with the title "Etik Zeka". Featuring interviews with 31 CEOs and 47 senior executives, this book provides recommendations about business ethics, rules of ethics and their implementation in an organization. The book defines "moral intelligence" as an intellectual capacity that helps us decide on how we should apply universal principles and teachings to our values, goals and actions. Also containing specific examples and explanations about how leaders should use their moral and emotional intelligence, the book provides exercises for readers to test their own moral intelligence.
Topyekün Mükemmelleşme Sürecinde İnsan Kaynakları ve Kalite
Author: Haldun Ersen
Date of Publication: July 2003, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 975-92234-0-6
The new economy and trends emerging as a result of an accelerated change are leading us to new quests in the 21st century. The desire of global countries and organizations to survive by distinguishing themselves from their competitors in global markets has brought about change and the emergence of new corporate structures. This process results in a need on the part of organizations to improve themselves by adopting modern production methods. Achieving a competitive edge by distinguishing oneself requires organizations to focus on the human factor and address management strategies, human resources and high-quality output in a holistic manner. From the perspective of total quality management, organizations expect internal and external customer orientation, adoption of team spirit, focus on common goals and targets, and most important of all, measurable and assessable performance criteria. This expectation arises from organizations' desire to create a management structure based on human resources and quality policy and process-based targets. The book attempts to provide all interested individuals and organizations with a holistic perspective and a corporate roadmap by explaining in detail the functions of quality and human resources in the total excellence process. In an age where the human factor and intellectual capital are crucial, these concepts are shared with readers from a system and quality perspective.